In Memory

Patricia Lee McFetrich

Patricia Lee McFetrich

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08/03/09 11:34 PM #1    

Nancy Grant (Martin)

Many of us remember Patty as a beautiful, sweet girl with an amazing talent for dance. She died of a brain aneurism I am told. We miss her!

08/15/09 11:57 AM #2    

Ted Bales

I was really sad to hear about Patty. I always thought she was one of the nicest, smartest people in our class. I knew her mostly through one of my friends who dated her for quite a while. Then in our senior year I was very fortunate to be her escort at the Miss Rebel contest and I got to know her a little better. She truly was an exceptional person.

09/05/09 03:56 PM #3    

Debra Ervin

Patty died around the time of our 20th high school reunion. Ms. Carlton read a very touching letter from her to the class. It began, by the time you hear this...

I will always remember her as one of my most creative friends. Patty loved to laugh, and her laugh was infectious. Her big, bright smile lit the room.

03/22/11 12:14 AM #4    

James Brown

I am saddened to learn of Patty's demise...I remember her as a straight A student with a great personality.  She lived a few streets from my house.. We shared several classes and she was never hesitant to be the first to raise her hand to answer the teachers questions...I am sure she is missed by many...RIP Patty..

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