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Nathan Bedford Forrest High School
Class Of 1969



Welcome to the NB Forrest Class of 1969 Website

What's New:

Added 5/4/24: Save the Date Notice: The NBForrest HS (semi-reunion) Get Together, marking 55 years since graduation, will be on Thursday, October 10, 2024 at Whitey's Fish Camp starting at 5:00pm. **Mark your calendar!**
 ** More info will be provided as the date approaches **

An email was sent to everyone in the class about this event on 5/4/2024  - if you did *not* receive it, let us know


Updated 12/17/23: Forrest vs Wolfson football game YouTube link on the Football Game Video page - previous link was incorrect

Added: "Where we Live" to home page. The list is located on the right side. 

About: This website is used to connect and reconnect with our classmates ahead of reunions and get-togethers.

This site is completely free. However, since we do not pay to use this Classcreator based website, there are Ads interspersed throughout the website on which we have no control 

Video: Reunion Video is available - click on "Forrest 50th Reunion Video" - 4th link down on the left.

Reunion Photos: Anyone can add their own photos to this website! Click on "50th Reunion Photos" the 3rd link down on the left. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Create Your Own Photo Gallery Here". Looking forward to seeing your photos!


Logging In Problems: Having trouble with your password or ID, contact us.



Please continue to review the Missing Classmates link




Harold Hill  7/27
Nancy Naylor (Rue)  7/27
Jim Sumara  7/27
Kenneth Mathis  8/11
Robert Forbis  8/14
Phil Smith  8/14
Curtis McNeal  8/20
Harold Williams  8/23

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