Forum: MUSIC


What music do you want at our 60th birthday party?

Created on: 05/01/11 02:07 PM Views: 3424 Replies: 3
What music do you want at our 60th birthday party?
Posted Sunday, May 1, 2011 09:07 AM

What specific songs or groups do you want to hear at our "Birthday Bash"? I don't want to leave out any favorites!



RE: What music do you want at our 60th birthday party?
Posted Sunday, May 1, 2011 05:40 PM

There are some birthday songs that I uploaded on the playlist on the website homepage that would be good.

Happy Birthday Sweet 16 (60)

sixteen (sixty) candles

it's my party


RE: What music do you want at our 60th birthday party?
Posted Sunday, May 1, 2011 09:25 PM
How about "only 16"? Lol
RE: What music do you want at our 60th birthday party?
Posted Tuesday, May 24, 2011 10:15 PM

Hi Nancy - I love country, all the oldies like the four Seasons, Drifters, beach music and some good dance music too.


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